Law enforcement training to enforce new open carry law in January


East Texas law enforcement agencies are looking ahead to the first of the new year, when they will have to have set policies on how to deal with
and enforce the new open carry law.

Law enforcement agencies are not sure exactly what effect the new law will have on how they enforce law.

“Actually, it’s a handgun permit, not concealed anymore. People will probably be a little bit alarmed that people are opening carrying their guns,”
says Longview police officer Kristie Brian.

“We don’t currently have a policy in place right now. We are currently sending our deputies to training, so they’ll know how to adequately handle
it on the street,” says Joshua Tubb of the Gregg County Sheriff’s Office.

Workers at places like Longview’s Jack of Pawns say they have seen a few sales of weapons and holsters for open carry, but not many. What’s important, police say, is how the weapon is holstered.

“At least have it in a holster that provides security so it can’t be yanked out of the holster and taken away,” Brian says.

Gregg County Jail daily book-ins show an effort by agencies to get illegal guns off the street; particularly felons in possession of firearms.

“Come across a felon if they have a weapon, then we’re certainly going to take appropriate action. They’ll be arrested for unlawfully carrying a
weapon,” says Brian.

And open carry may assist in that.

“If they do have an illegal firearm , we’ll discover it at that point,” Tubb says.

“Law enforcement faces challenges every day, this is just another hurdle we’ll have to get over,” Brian adds.

The open carry law in Texas goes into effect Jan. 1.

Source – KLTV News
Summary-Law enforcement preparations to the upcoming gun law in January.
Reaction – I can see how this could cause some problems such as “bad” people are going to be permitted to carry guns on them without any sort of restraint. But, the “bad” people where already carrying them before this starred, the only difference is that the good people who want to be safe and previously followed law are now able to openly have a gun. If carrying a gun makes you feel safer then I think it should be allowed, it is our right to bare arms, so really this should not be any different.
World Impact – This is Texas but I think it will have a dramatic effect on the crime , some people may feel safer and others might feel less safe. But the truth is guns don’t kill, people do.

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